This review into the loss of the European Judo Championships, due to be held in April 2015 was commissioned by UK Sport with the support of the British Judo Association ("BJA"). The review was Chaired and the report was written by Mark Gay, Partner at Hamlins LLP.
The aim of this review was to establish the facts as to why the right to host this event was withdrawn and to understand whether any lessons could be learned. The full terms of reference are contained in the report which can be accessed by the link below.
UK Sport is extremely proud of its track record bidding for and hosting world class sports events in the UK so it was both disappointing and unusual that, having won the bid to host the 2015 European Judo Championships in Glasgow, this right was then subsequently withdrawn. UK Sport takes it role in protecting the investment of public funds into Olympic and Paralympic sport very seriously. We believe the commissioning and publishing of this report demonstrates our commitment to driving forward the importance of the highest standards of governance in British sport and to transparency over that process. It is in the interests of all our respective stakeholders.
The review has now concluded and the report made available publically. The report clearly shows that the BJA leadership made some serious errors of judgement in the handling of this event and we are disappointed that these contributed to the removal of the championships.
UK Sport confirms that all public money invested into the event has now been fully recovered and that all recommendations within the review will be seriously considered and are being acted upon. We are working with the BJA to implement the recommendations and strengthen their governance arrangements.
For more information on the review, please visit: