Making a complaint
Let us know about any complaints or feedback and read about the principles of UK Sport’s complaints procedure.
We seek to ensure that complaints are:
- listened to and investigated
- dealt with consistently
- acknowledged speedily and recorded
- dealt with in an appropriate, fair and timely manner
- learned from
Please note that UK Sport is not a regulatory body. We are a funding body tasked with distributing Government and National Lottery funding to Olympic and Paralympic National Governing Bodies at the Great Britain level and not a regulator of sport in the UK. We are therefore only able to deal with complaints within our remit.
The complaints procedure
If you think that maladministration has taken place, we have failed to give you access to information or given you incorrect information or advice, we have not treated you politely, we have discriminated against you or not treated you fairly, you have concerns or suspicions of fraudulent activity at UK Sport or a funded organisation, or you have any other concerns which you wish to voice, please use the following process.
If you would like to make a complaint you can contact us via email at
Alternatively you can write to:
Complaints, UK Sport, 6th Floor, 10 South Colonnade, London, E14 4PU.
We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days of receiving it and send a formal response within three weeks. If the issues raised in your complaint are regarding a National Governing Body or other funded organisation, you may be requested to write directly to that applicable organisation.
If you are not happy with our response, please let us know as soon as possible. Your complaint will be referred to a more senior member of staff, who will carry out a review and let you know the outcome.
Your personal information
If you use our complaints procedure, you are agreeing that we can use any personal information you send us for purposes connected with your complaint. We will only give your personal information to other people and organisations if you have given us permission to do so. If you are able to give this permission when you contact us with details of your complaint, this can help us to start the investigation quickly.
Representations and appeals process
We want our investment processes to be clear, fair and robust. We understand there may be situations where an organisation applying for funding from us might be disappointed in the outcome of our investment decisions. We therefore have a process which an organisation that has applied for funding from UK Sport, may wish to use once you have been notified of the outcome of a relevant investment decision. Details of the full process and the steps you need to take are outlined in the document available for download below.
Download representations and appeals process
Freedom of Information
If you have a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, please send this to our dedicated FOI email address. We will endeavour to answer your request as promptly as possible, but please allow up to 20 working days to receive a reply.
Please note UK Sport is not a regulator of sport or prescribed regulator for whistleblowing purposes under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. It does not have powers of investigation in internal sporting disputes or the affairs of sports governing bodies.
However, If you have a concern about UK Sport members of staff, panel or board member’s conduct on matters concerning suspected fraud, corruption or bribery whilst carrying out UK Sport business, or, if you wish to report any an incident of illegal or wrongful conduct by UK Sport members of staff, panel or board member’s then you can notify:
a. If it involves a member of staff then write to the Chief Executive Officer at UK Sport, 6th Floor, 10 South Colonnade, London, E14 4PU marking the envelope private & confidential.
b. If it involves the Chief Executive, a Board or Panel Member then write to the Chair at UK Sport, 6th Floor, 10 South Colonnade, London, E14 4PU marking the envelope private & confidential.
c. If the matter involves the Chair then write to the Minister of Sport, Tourism & Equalities at the Department of Culture Media & Sport, 4th Floor, 100 Parliament Street, London SW1A 2BQ marking the envelope private & confidential.