The following are definitions of key terms which are used in this Code.
Accounting officer
The Accounting officer – usually the – is personally accountable to the public funder (e.g. UK Sport or Sport England) for the use of public money. They must ensure that spending meets all the conditions of any award of public funds as well as the three tests of regularity, propriety and value for money.
Audit Committee
An Audit Committee has particular responsibility in relation to ensuring the adequacy of the organisation’s financial reporting and internal controls. The Audit Committee is usually responsible for making a recommendation on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditors and would meet the external and internal auditors at least annually, without management, to discuss matters relating to its remit and any issues arising from the audits.
Chief Executive
Chief Executive means the most senior (not necessarily highest paid) employee or executive of the organisation. The most common alternative titles used by those holding this position are Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administration Officer, Secretary General and .
Continuity plan
A continuity plan is a document that outlines how an organisation will continue operating during an unplanned disruption in service. Typically, the continuity plan outlines the as well as the structure of how to prevent, respond and recover from a disruptive event. Generally, this involves identifying the possible disruption risks and potential impact of they occur, planning an effective response to their occurrence, allocating roles and responsibilities, communication responses, testing the plan and training in response to that testing, to ensure an effective response.
Co-opted Director
A Co-opted Director is one who is temporarily appointed as such by the outside of the customary appointment process in accordance with Requirement 2.5.
A Council is a body forming part of the or organisational structure of a sports , representing some or all of its stakeholders in some capacity, and having powers or rights with respect to its governance, but which is not the of the National Governing Body (or a Committee of the Board) or the shareholders in A body will be treated as a Council for the purposes of this Code if it fulfils this definition, regardless of the name given to it by the National Governing Body.
Ex Officio
A person holds a position (e.g. as a Director or Committee member) ‘ex officio’ if they do so by virtue of some other office they hold, and their position is therefore wholly dependent (and conditional) on them continuing to hold that office. For example, a who is on the Board in an ex officio capacity will automatically step down from the Board upon resignation as Chief Executive.
The complex and cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect, especially in the experiences of marginalised or minority individuals or groups.
Matters Reserved to the Board
The controls the business and, where appropriate, delegates day-to-day responsibility to the . There are, however, a number of matters which are required to be, or in the best interests of the organisation should be, decided by the Board. These are known as the Matters Reserved to the Board.
Nominated Directors
Nominated Directors means Directors whose appointment to the arises from provisions in the of the organisation permitting the election or nomination of Directors by the sport’s membership or by particular (e.g. geographical areas or sporting disciplines) within the sport.
Nominations Committee
A Nominations Committee leads the process for Board appointments and makes recommendations to the Board. For Board appointments, this includes evaluating the Board’s current capability against the agreed skills matrix, and, in light of this evaluation, agreeing a description of the role and capabilities required for a particular appointment.
An Observer or Observer means an individual who is permitted to attend, participate in meetings of the Board of Directors and to receive all information provided to members of the Board (including of Board meetings), but who is not permitted to formally vote on matters submitted for a vote.
Regularity, propriety and value for money
Regularity: compliant with the relevant legislation and wider legal principles such as delegated authorities.
Propriety: meeting high standards of public conduct, including robust governance and the relevant expectations, especially transparency.
Value for money: ensuring that the organisation’s procurement, projects and processes are systematically evaluated to provide confidence about suitability, effectiveness, prudence, quality, good value judged for the public as a whole, not just for the organisation.
Scheme of Delegation
Scheme of Delegation is the key document defining which functions have been delegated and to whom. It should be a simple yet systematic way of ensuring members, trustees, Committees, and executives are clear about who has responsibility for making which decisions in the organisation as well as any limitations to the delegations.
Senior Independent Director (SID)
Senior Director (SID) means an Independent Director who is appointed as such by the , and whose responsibilities include:
(i) providing a sounding board for the
(ii) serving as an intermediary for the other Directors when necessary
(iii) acting as an alternative contact for to share any concerns if the normal channels of the Chair or the organisation’s management fail to resolve the matter or in cases where such contact is inappropriate; and leading on the process to appraise the Chair’s performance.
Welfare and safety
For the purposes of this Code, welfare and safety is intended to cover matters such as (adults and children), mental health and wellbeing (including psychological safety), anti-doping, and associated integrity issues. It is not intended to encompass all responsibilities related to health and safety, in particular with respect to property and facilities.