PLx 2024 PLx 2023 - Chairs and CEOs Day 1 12:30-13:00 Registration 13:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:30 Chairs and CEOs welcome Connect and share learnings with your peers while gaining further understanding of the current and future development needs of your respective roles. Dame Katherine Grainger, Chair and Sally Munday, CEO - UK Sport Rooms: Seymour (Main Room), and Hidcote (Breakout) 15:45-17:00 The Olympic and Paralympic sporting system: planning for the future Joining our performance colleagues, we’ll update them on case for change to develop a ‘System Master Plan’ to support the future sustainability of the Olympic and Paralympic sporting system and draw on insights and experiences from other sectors (global health). Room: The Grand Ballroom 17:00-19:00 Connection time and drinks reception 19:00-20:45 Entertainment and dinner 20:45-late PLx Awards 2023 Day 2 09:15-10:45 System Master Planning: where are we now and what happens next? Get an update on the governance and timescales for the System Master Planning programme to deliver the recommended changes agreed in July in Manchester and take the opportunity to seek partners’ views through deep-dive sessions in specific areas for change. Rooms: Seymour (Main Room), and Hidcote (Breakout) 10:45-11:15 Break 11:15-12:15 System Master Planning: Discussion and next steps Rooms: Seymour (Main Room), and Hidcote (Breakout) 12:15-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:00 UK Sport key messages Room: The Grand Ballroom 14:00-15:00 PLx closing keynote Room: The Grand Ballroom Share X LinkedIn Email