UK Sport and Sport England have produced a report
the insight of the diversity
of boards
sporting bodies
in the UK
This has been produced in partnership with Perrett Laver.
The report shares insight into the diversity of sports boards in the UK and provides a breakdown of the diversity of around 128 sports boards in the UK, enabling a comparison with the last audit in 2020.
For the first time, data has been gathered on the diversity of senior leadership teams, creating a benchmark to allow for more accurate tracking of progress in the future.
UK Sport believes diversity and inclusion leads to stronger governance, increased innovation, and better problem-solving capabilities, essential to securing the future of sports organisations and ensuring that they better reflect the society they represent.
There is notable progress reflected in the findings, particularly regarding the increased representation of disabled people and those from culturally or ethnically diverse backgrounds serving on Boards.
However, the report also highlights some of the challenges that still exist, such as the decrease in the number of women holding board positions over the past four years and the fact that senior leadership teams are far from reflecting the diversity of UK society in all its forms.
The data clarifies what more can and should be done in this space. By working with partners, we can help make sport a more inclusive place to work for all.
Download the Diversity in Sport Governance Report 2024 by Perrett Laver.