In accordance with the UK Sport Funding Eligibility Policy, following the UK Athletics announcement on 9 August 2022 of its Case Management Group’s findings regarding Mr Minichiello, UK Sport convened an Appeal Panel to consider Mr Minichiello’s eligibility to receive Public Funding and/or Publicly Funded benefits.
The Appeal Panel found that Mr Minichiello’s conduct (a) amounted to Misconduct within the meaning of paragraph 5.1 of Part A and (b) brought himself (as a coach), his sport and UK Athletics into Disrepute within the meaning of paragraph 5.2 of Part A.
The Appeal Panel declared that Mr Minichiello is ineligible to receive Public Funding and/or Publicly Funded Benefits. He will remain ineligible until UK Sport is satisfied that Mr Minichiello has been granted a coach licence or appointed to a role which potentially qualifies him to receive Public Funding and/or Publicly Funded Benefits by either (a) UK Athletics or (b) another National Governing Body (acting reasonably, having read and considered the UK Athletics CMG's Findings, the UK Sport Appeal Decision and any other relevant information).
The Funding Eligibility Policy outlines the criteria that Athletes and Athlete Support Personnel (ASP) must meet to be eligible to receive Public Funding and/or Publicly Funded Benefits;
Public Funding refers to funding provided directly by UK Sport to an Athlete or ASP (usually an Athlete Performance Award to Athletes that contributes to their living and sporting costs);
Publicly Funded Benefits means support services or other benefits of any kind funded by UK Sport or National Governing Bodies (for example, access to facilities, medical support, training and development, consultancy fees, or travel and subsistence expenses);
The policy is available here.