The UK Sport Eligibility Panel met on 12 January 2023 reference the athlete, Chijindu Ujah.
The Panel found that Chijindu Ujah was in automatic breach of the Eligibility Policy (Part A, paragraph 4.2) owing to his previous admission of an anti-doping violation. In line with the available powers, the Panel determined that Chijindu Ujah would be ineligible to receive public funding or publicly funded benefits with effect from 6 August 2021 to 6 June 2023.
In addition, the Panel noted that a previous Eligibility Panel met on 31 October 2019 and determined that Chijindu Ujah owed outstanding funds to UK Sport. The sum of £10,665 remains outstanding and until that sum is paid in full, he will remain ineligible to receive public funding.