The decision today by the IOC to choose London as the city to host the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games is "a triumph" according to UK Sport, the Government agency dedicated to supporting our Olympic and Paralympic athletes.
Speaking from Singapore where she is part of the London 2012 team, Sue Campbell, Chair of UK Sport, says:
"This is a great day for sport at every level in the UK and vindication of all the hard work not just of the Bid team but everyone involved. It has been a truly united effort and shows what can be achieved when the United Kingdom works towards a shared passion and goal.
"I am thrilled by the massive boost it will give to performance sport in this country. Young people up and down the country can dream today of a place on the podium in seven years time – our role is to put in place the world class structure and support needed to help them achieve it. A home Games is a terrific incentive for everyone to succeed.
"That is one legacy of today’s victory – the Games will also have a tremendous positive impact on sporting facilities and infrastructure, not just in East London but the country as a whole.
"We will work hard to ensure that the UK not only competes but succeeds in every possible Olympic and Paralympic sport in 2012. It is a magnificent triumph, and a magnificent opportunity."