The UK Strategy Framework for Women and Sport was launched last week at Bisham Abbey at a meeting of the International Working Group on Women's Sport (IWG), hosted by UK Sport.
The document, which can be downloaded below, sets out clear objectives and targets for women participating, leading and performing at world class levels, with a date of December 2005 set for their completion.
UK Sport will co-ordinate the work with the home country sports councils and national governing bodies, with the Womens Sports Foundation providing additional support. The UK Strategy Framework links to existing initiatives led by Government, governing bodies, sports and equity organisations and a final report will be prepared for the 4th World Conference on Women and Sport, being held in Kumamoto, Japan, in 2006.
At the annual meeting of the IWG, representatives from Africa, the Americas, Oceania, Europe and Asia combined with leaders of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women and WomenSport International to take forward the work originally started in 1994 at the 1st World Conference on Women and Sport in Brighton.
Progress across the five regions in achieving the principles of the Brighton Declaration was discussed, as well as a proposal to strengthen relations with other international sport and health agencies, including the International Olympic Committee and the United Nations.
Guests included world class athletes, coaches, political figures and representatives from sports organisations from across the UK.